Ready? Sustain... GO!
Our 2023 event "Ready Sustain GO" was an event all about a better, more sustainable world.
Our 6 speakers take you on a magical carpet ride through their ideas!
April 29th, 2023 @ Max Weber Aula
Ready? Sustain... GO!
The title already gives a clear view of what story we want to tell… “Sustainability”. It is a topic that is important for everyone, every study, every job and every life.
A lot has been said and written about sustainability. Therefore, we want to approach the issue from another perspective, taking different aspects of our society into account. Sustainability plays an important role in every study, every job, and every life. By tackling topics such as sustainable fashion, marketing, and mindset, we hope to expend your thoughts, activate critical thinking and reach the outstanding. Our blooming speakers are ready. Are you?


Wim Dewulf
Renewable materials
Wim Dewult is professor at the Mechanical Deprartment of KU Leuven. He is a chairing Group T Leuven Campus, an international KU Leuven campus focused on Sustainable Engineering, Health Engineering and Entrepreneurship.
Over the last 25 years his pioneering research in Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Engineering sheds light on the trends and drivers behind out hunger for materials. He shows us how our material footprint is intrinsically connected to our quest for climate neutrality.

Ingrid Moons
Design your sustainable customer behaviour
Ingrid Moons is a full professor at the University of Antwerp. She teaches marketing management, consumer behavior, market research. Her research focusses on the user phase of the circular economy and advances insights on a diversity of sustainable consumer behaviors: electric car adoption, eco traveling, spirulina based food, repair behavior and single use product avoidance.

Stefaan Vandist
Prototyping a sustainable future
Stefaan Vandist takes us on a pilgrimage through creative breeding grounds where a sustainable future is already being built. Inspired by radical examples, he aims to get every organization to 'Provotype'. Provotyping stands for 'provocative prototyping': provoking and engaging people to imagine possible futures by making them tangible through real experiences.

Nick Meynen
How to thrive beyond growth
Nick is a geographer and an international author and speaker who works with changemakers from around the world on new economic theories, narratives and practices.